Snow Fields

Sometimes photography is hard. Not from a technical standpoint, but from a motivational stand point. It’s tough, as in whether to have another cup of tea and binge a little more Netflix, or grab a hat, go out into the snow and see what there is to photograph. I was in the process of making that second cup of tea the other morning after an overnight snow blanketed us in white. I had thought about grabbing some pictures, but the sky was grey and it was cold, but then the sun came out and added a little something that was screaming to be photographed. Having already resigned myself to the tea, this was not a change in plans that came easily, but like so many things in life, once you get going you wonder what all the fuss was about. At any rate, I’m glad I got out there.

Have you ever been torn about going out for a few shots. Lured away from your craft by the lack of motivation. Remember these pictures don’t take themselves. Grab your camera and get going!! You’ll be glad you did.

Here is a photo of a local barn and it’s surrounding fields.  I loved how the hay bales in the upper field were catching the light and forming a deep contrast with the still dark skies behind them. The light coat of snow certainly adds a nice element to the image.  I hope you like it!!